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Project Specifications and Rubric

Tolerance Wall

This bimester in order to link together the book we are reading and both your field trips (Guanajuato and the museum), you will collaborate to create a wall of tolerance and acceptance. 



To reflect on the positive effects of tolerance and acceptance in a world ruled by discrimination.



  • Your final work must reflect a deep analysis of the topic and be represented in a creative way. 

  • For any investigation you have made, you MUST include references in the appropriate format. 

  • Be sure to turn in at least one draft to make sure you are on the right path.

  • The quality of the final product (specified below) will directly represent the grade you obtain. Remember this is 40% of your final grade this bimester.




  1. Investigate the following concepts, along with at least one social conflict born from discrimination. 

  2. Analyse the most common types of discimination and the consequences they bring (to be done in class on February 3rd). This includes every discussion we have about the novel Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of The West.

  3. Compare what we have concluded with the patterns of discimination TODAY. Write a short reflection (about 180 words, at least) answering the question: How am I contributing to prevent or promote these issues of discrimination and intolerance?

  4. Create a VISUAL REPRESENTATION of the conclusions YOU have reached. This product could be a poster, a drawing, a painting or photographs. IT IS CRUCIAL THAT YOU SHOW ME A DRAFT OF WHAT YOU WILL DO BEFORE YOU DO IT! SAVE YOURSELF THE TROUBLE OF WORIKING TWICE AS HARD AS YOU SHOULD.


Stage 5 will vary depending on whether you are going to the field trip or not.


If you are going to Guanajuato...

  • Take your project with you.

  • Show it to at least 10 different people, explaining what it is about and write down their feedback.

  • Compile the feedback including the information of who gave it to you and turn in an essay (at least 200 words) where you discuss the following points:

    • Do people in Guanajuato think of discrimination and tolerance the same way?

    • Are the issues I considered important also relevant to people from Guanajuato?

    • Did this change the way I perceived the issue in any way?


If you are NOT going to Guanajuato

  • You will need to get feedback on your project as well.

  • Take your project to the following three places:

    • ​Universidad Iberoamericana

    • UNAM

    • One other University of your choosing

  • ​You MUST get at least 5 different people from each university to give you feedback.

  • You MUST take a selfie at the University with your project.

  • Compile the feedback including the information of who gave it to you and turn in an essay (at least 200 words) where you discuss the following points:

    • Do people in higher education think of discrimination and tolerance the same way?

    • Are the issues I considered important also relevant to people at a University level?

    • Did this change the way I perceived the issue in any way?


Wow, you actually read all of it? Kudos! ...Or maybe you just scrolled down to this point... Anyway, the first two people to tell me which University they will go to will get an extra point. If you are going to Guanajuato, just tell me what your project will be about (same thing, two first people).


Follow this link for the SAMPLE


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